Sunday, February 6, 2011


So, one of my goals for this trip is to attempt to live my life like a Costa Rican (a Tico...or in my case, Tica, since I'm a girl), while I know that I'll always be a "Gringa" and a "Tejana" (meaning both Texan and Cowgirl...) I have made some significant strides in achieving "La Vida Tica".

1. I know, and can follow, every plot line on "Soy tu DueƱa" (I'm your boss), a primetime telenovela with a semi cowboy theme, starring a prominent Mexican singer.

2. I have gone to the bank and the post office, communicated only in Spanish, and successfully accomplished my errands.

3. I can now navigate my city. This involves a strong knowledge of landmarks, because instead of using street names here, everyone and everything is located 1 block (100 metros) south/north/east/west of a church or a school or a park. For instance, my Texas address is 406 Riley Rd, but my Heredia address is: 25 meters south of the school, in the neighborhood "la suiza".

4. I can successfully ride the city bus! And when in a taxi, if the driver asks me for directions, I can give them to him.

5. Starting tomorrow, I attend the local university, and I already have a few Tico friends that I can only speak to in Spanish.

6. I know the appropriate times to use phrases like "Que Tuanis", which more or less means "cool". I also know that "Mae" means "Man" or "Dude".

7. I know the names of the prominent Costa Rican soccer teams, and can now more or less understand a game of soccer.

8. I drank starfruit juice today, which was awesome.

9. I went to the neighborhood farmers market to buy produce with my host mom and now know the names of more fruits.

10. A car driving down the street stopped to ask me for directions, which must mean that I look like I know where I'm going...and I knew where to send them and how to tell them that in Spanish!

So the adventure continues...I think I lose Tica points for this afternoon, as my plan is to go to a bar and watch the Superbowl with some other Americans...but oh well, there's still some Texas in there :)

Tomorrow I start classes, so more to come on that front!


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